Drive to store

Our Drive to store experience generate more traffic into your shop

We offer a digital and physical solution to increase the traffic in your store, mall, shop, pop up store or your e-commerce site.

The advantages of our Drive to Store experience



Increase your traffic and your conversion rate with this tool



The web app and the safe are fully branded.


Add feature

Offer a unique experience between the brand and the client with a hybrid event.

Sans téléchargement

No app require, no download

Just a link

Before the event

Branding of your web app and covering of the safe.
Setting of the number of winning combinations and the rules
Installation of the safe in your shop.

The day of the event

Invite your client to your shop by email or sms.
The client receive an invitation with QR code to start the photo booth experience and show the secret code of the safe.
Once in your store, the client will try his secret code on the safe (gift box) to find out if he is the winner !

This experience is in person and virtual, so it can be done only on the web app, instead of going to the store, the client try his code on a virtual safe and he will receive his gift at home.

Works on any device

A dedicated project manager

Hybrid events that combines a "live" in-person event with a "virtual" online component

Contact us For more information +33 1 46 04 59 40


Get in contact with our team now to deliver an innovative experience at your event. !
What the fun Team will help you out ! We will respond you under 24h.